What are the different types of eyelash extensions and how to maintain them?

Temps de lecture : 6 minutes environ

Do you want to have long eyelashes as soon as you wake up? Do you dream of ditching mascara? What if you treat yourself to an eyelash extension?

eyelash extensions

Before you get started, we’ll explain everything you need to know about the different eyelash extension methods.

What are the different types of eyelash extensions?

There are three main types of eyelash extensions:

The classic eyelash extension

If you are looking for a natural eyelash extension, this method is for you! As the name suggests, it involves sticking an extension on each of the natural lashes.

The thickness of the extensions is usually around 0.15mm but this can vary depending on the desired result as well as the length and the curve. Also be aware that you can ask for a classic eyelash extension on 1 in 2 or 1 in 3. It is ideal to seek professional advice.

Note: the classic eyelash extension is the recommended method for people who want to try the experience for the first time.

Russian volume eyelash extension

If you want a more voluminous and glamorous eyelash extension, Russian volume is what you need!

In fact, this method allows you to obtain denser eyelashes by placing several eyelash extensions on each real eyelash. Unlike the classic eyelash-to-eyelash extension, the thickness of the extensions is thinner (between 0.03mm to 0.07mm) so as not to weigh down the eye. Just like the eyelash extension, it is also possible to perform a Russian volume 1 in 2 eyelash extension.

Good to know: if you want to perform an eyelash extension, you will sometimes be offered “3D, 4D, 5D, 6D…” extensions. These names simply mean the number of eyelash extensions applied for a Russian volume.

Also, the more you choose a higher number, the more the bouquet of eyelashes will be provided.

The hybrid eyelash extension

The mixed pose consists of mixing the lash-to-lash technique and that of Russian volume. It thus makes it possible to adapt the extension according to the composition of each person’s eyelashes since eyelash extensions will be used for dense areas and eyelash bouquets can be applied to less dense areas.

Who can get eyelash extensions?

Anyone can perform eyelash extensions, even people with sensitive eyes. The only contraindication to affording an eyelash extension is not to have an eye disease such as glaucoma or conjunctivitis, or to have had surgery for less than three months. As for people wearing lenses, they will simply have to remove them a few hours before fitting.

What are the risks of eyelash extensions?

For many, eyelash extensions can damage natural eyelashes. This is a misconception! In fact, eyelash extensions do not present any health risk provided they are carried out by a qualified professional such as Wecasa beauticians. The only risk could be an allergic reaction from the glue used (although it is placed 1mm from the eyelid). This is why it is necessary to choose an experienced beautician who perfectly masters the methods and products used. However, remember that the eyelash extension does not damage the fiber of the eyelashes or slow down the growth of eyelashes. These will fall naturally as required by the natural lash cycle of approximately 90 days.


eyelash extensions

How long do eyelash extensions last?

For a complete application of eyelash extensions, allow an average of between one hour and two hours of application. Then, regardless of the technique used (eyelash extension or Russian volume), you will need a filling if you want to maintain a visible effect. This makes it possible to fill the holes in the eyelashes which have fallen naturally. We advise you to carry out these touch-ups three to four weeks after the complete application, as soon as the eyelashes are more and more sparse. Rest assured, the fillings are meant to be shorter than the initial exposure since it takes around 20 to 1h30 minutes for a session. Also be aware that if you want to stop the eyelash extension, you can request removal of the eyelash extensions.

What are the precautions to take after an eyelash extension?

To properly maintain your eyelash extensions, there are steps you need to know and integrate into your beauty routine. To begin with, avoid any contact with water for 24 hours after installation at all costs so that the glue used can dry. Likewise, it is not recommended to expose yourself to a humid environment such as a sauna during the days following installation.

For the rest, here are the dos and don’ts to avoid damaging your eyelash extensions and keep them as long as possible:

  1. Do not use mascara: that is precisely the purpose of an eyelash extension! However, you can still use eyeliner and eye shadow as long as you remove makeup well.
  2. Do not use makeup removers or oil-based cosmetics: creamy and oily cosmetics should be avoided if you want to keep your eyelash extensions because they can peel them off. Opt for micellar waters or suitable make-up removers by asking your Wecasa beautician for advice.
  3. Brushing the extensions: to keep your eyelash extensions curving beautifully, we recommend brushing them with an eyelash brush. Perform the operation several times a week when your eyelashes are completely dry.
  4. Avoid touching eyelash extensions: To extend the life expectancy of your eyelash extensions as much as possible, avoid touching them and rubbing your eyes. Likewise, you are strongly advised not to remove your eyelash extensions yourself.

What is the average price of an eyelash extension?

If the price depends on the service, it also depends on the quality of the service. Count on average, between 60 and 200 euros for an eyelash extension and up to 300 euros for the Russian volume eyelash extension method. As for touch-up sessions, be aware that one filling costs approximately between 40 and 120 euros.


At Wecasa, we offer you these different eyelash extension services

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