How to Get Rid of Bad Odour in Shoes: Top Tips for Fresh Feet

Temps de lecture : 3 minutes environ

Warmth, sweat, and bacteria can lead to unpleasant shoe odours. Luckily, there are simple ways to tackle and prevent them. Here are our top tips on how to get rid of bad odour in shoes. Plus, a few extra tricks to keep those odours at bay!

how to get rid of bad odour in shoes

Tip 1Banish Shoe Odours with Baking Soda

Baking soda is a superstar when it comes to getting rid of bad smells. It absorbs moisture and odours while its antifungal properties prevent bacteria growth. If you’re wondering how to get rid of bad odour in shoes, sprinkle some baking soda on the insoles and leave it overnight. For stronger odours, mix baking soda with a few drops of essential oils in coffee filters and place them inside your shoes. Let the magic happen!

Tip 2 Freshen Up with Talcum Powder

Like baking soda, talcum powder is great at absorbing odours and preventing them. Sprinkle it on the insoles or directly on your feet before slipping on your shoes. A simple, effective solution!

Tip 3 Citrus Magic

Citrus peels, such as orange, lemon, or grapefruit, are natural odour neutralisers. Pop some peels inside your shoes for a few hours and enjoy the fresh scent. It’s an easy, natural fix!

Tip 4 Tea Bag Trick

Tea bags, especially black tea, can absorb moisture and leave your shoes smelling nice. Ensure the tea bags are dry and place them inside your shoes for a few hours.  This is another great method to try. Goodbye, bad smells!

Tip 5 Kitty Litter Solution

It might sound odd, but cat litter is fantastic for absorbing odours and moisture. Fill old socks, coffee filters, or tights with cat litter, and place them in your shoes overnight. You’ll be amazed by the results.

Tip 6 Freeze Out Bacteria

Cold temperatures kill the bacteria causing odours. Pop your shoes in a plastic bag and place them in the freezer overnight. In the morning, your shoes will be fresh and ready to go!

How to Prevent Shoe Odours

If you struggle with smelly feet, follow our tips to keep your shoes fresh and clean. Here are some easy habits to adopt:

Air Out Your Shoes

Moisture causes odours, so air your shoes regularly. Leave them outside or on a windowsill after each wear to let air circulate.

Use Insoles

Insoles provide comfort and help absorb sweat. Change them every couple of months. Charcoal insoles are particularly effective for keeping your shoes odour-free.

Rotate Your Shoes

Don’t wear the same shoes every day. Rotate pairs to prevent odours from becoming permanent.

Always Wear Socks with Trainers

Trainers often don’t breathe well, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. Always wear socks to reduce sweat and prevent bacteria and fungi growth.

Follow these simple tips, and you’ll not only learn how to get rid of bad odour in shoes but also how to keep them smelling fresh for good!

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