How to clean makeup brushes (and the dangers if you don’t)

Temps de lecture : 9 minutes environ

It’s no secret that makeup brushes need to be cleaned on a regular basis. But did you know that failing to clean them can lead to some serious health risks?

how to clean makeup brushes

Cleaning your makeup brushes is one of those tasks that is easily forgotten, but it’s important to do so to keep them free of dirt, oils, and other build-up. Not only will this make your brushes last longer, but it will also help reduce the amount of makeup you apply to your skin, which can be beneficial if you have acne or are prone to breakouts.

In this post, we’ll discuss the best way to wash makeup brushes as well as some of the dangers associated with not cleaning them regularly. Keep reading for more!


The dangers of a dirty makeup brush

We all know that a makeup brush can be a woman’s best friend. It can help create the perfect look, contour our features and give us a flawless complexion. But what many of us don’t realise is that if we don’t clean our brushes regularly, they can actually do more harm than good.

A dirty makeup brush is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. This can lead to breakouts, skin irritation, and even infections. And if you use your brushes on other people, you could be spreading bacteria and germs to them as well.

In fact, according to the NY Post, scientists found that samples taken from used makeup brushes harbored a collective 4,364 colonies of yeast and bacteria – while 11 of the brushes were reportedly filthier than the average toilet seat!

If that doesn’t make you want to clean your brushes, nothing will.

The importance of keeping your makeup brushes clean


As you can see, washing your makeup brushes regularly is important for several reasons.

  1. It helps to prevent breakouts: If you don’t clean your brushes regularly, they can become covered in bacteria. This bacteria can then transfer to your skin, leading to breakouts.
  2. It keeps your brushes lasting longer: Regular cleaning will help to extend the life of your brushes.
  3. It helps your makeup go on smoother: If your brushes are caked with old makeup, it can actually make it harder to apply new makeup. Clean brushes will give you a better application.

So, how often should you be cleaning your makeup brushes?

Ideally, you should be doing it at least once a week. But if you use your brushes daily, you may want to do it more often. And if you’ve had a cold or flu, it’s important to clean your brushes immediately afterwards to avoid spreading the infection.

We cannot stress enough how important it is to clean your makeup brushes on a regular basis. Not only will it help keep your skin healthy, but it will also make your makeup look better. If you use dirty brushes, you’re just going to end up with a cakey, streaky mess.

So take the time to clean your brushes regularly – your skin will thank you for it!


How do you clean makeup brushes?

dirty makeup brushes

The good news is that cleaning your makeup brushes is quick and easy – and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Here are some tips on how to clean your makeup brushes at home:

  • Use a brush cleaner: There are many different types of brush cleaners on the market. You can find them at most beauty supply stores or online. Simply spray the cleaner on your brushes and then wipe them clean with a towel.
  • Use shampoo: If you don’t have a brush cleaner, you can use shampoo instead. Just wet your brushes and then add a drop or two of shampoo. Gently massage the bristles and then rinse thoroughly.
  • Use soap and water: You can also clean your brushes with just soap and water. Simply wet the bristles and then add a small amount of mild soap. Gently massage the bristles and then rinse thoroughly.
  • Let them air dry: Once you’ve cleaned your brushes, it’s important to let them air dry. Place them on a towel or in a well-ventilated area and let them dry completely before using them again.

Cleaning your makeup brushes is an important part of your beauty routine. By taking the time to do it regularly, you’ll help keep your skin healthy and free from bacteria. And your makeup will look better too!


How to clean makeup brushes at home

Cleaning your makeup brushes at home is simple – all you need is a good brush cleaner, some water, and a little bit of patience.

Using a brush cleaner made specifically for removing makeup is the best bet for getting your makeup brushes clean like new again. Spray the bristles with the solution and then use a towel to wipe them clean. Rinse the brushes under water and then let them air dry.

If you don’t have time to go out and buy a brush cleaner, don’t worry – you can easily clean your brushes at home.

Here are some tips on how to do it:

  • Use dish soap: Dish soap is a gentle cleanser that will remove makeup and dirt from your brushes. Simply wet the bristles and then add a small amount of dish soap. Gently massage the bristles and then rinse thoroughly.
  • Use baby shampoo: Baby shampoo is another gentle option that can be used to clean your brushes. Simply wet the bristles and then add a small amount of baby shampoo. Gently massage the bristles and then rinse thoroughly.


Best soap to clean a makeup brush

What’s the best soap to use to clean your makeup brushes? We recommend Bronners unscented soap (either liquid or bar). It’s gentle and effective, and it doesn’t have any harsh chemicals.

To clean your brushes with Bronners soap, simply wet the bristles and then add a small amount of soap. Gently massage the bristles and then rinse thoroughly. You can also use this soap to clean your makeup sponge.

Don’t have soap? Try cleaning your makeup brushes with these instead

We know not everyone has soap on hand, so we’ve put together a list of other cleaning options that you can use:

  • Shampoo
  • Vinegar
  • Isopropyl alcohol

Though cleaning with a specific brush cleaner or a dish soap is our preferred method (and the best way to clean makeup brushes thoroughly), any of the above will work in a pinch.


How to clean makeup brushes with shampoo

To clean your makeup brushes with shampoo, simply wet the bristles and then add a small amount of shampoo. Gently massage the bristles and then rinse thoroughly. You can also use this method to clean your makeup sponge.


How to clean makeup brushes with vinegar

To clean with vinegar, mix equal parts water and vinegar in a bowl. Soak the bristles of your brushes in the mixture for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly. To remove the vinegar smell, you can rinse the brushes with clean water or wash one final time with soap or shampoo.


How to clean makeup brushes with isopropyl alcohol

To clean your makeup brushes with isopropyl alcohol, simply soak the bristles of your brush in the alcohol for a few minutes. Gently massage the bristles and then rinse thoroughly. Let it air dry or pat dry with a clean towel.


Clean makeup brushes are happy makeup brushes

Now that you have all the information you need on how to clean makeup brushes, there’s no excuse not to do it regularly!

Cleaning your makeup brushes is an important part of any beauty routine. Not only will it keep your brushes clean and bacteria-free, but it will also make your makeup look better. Cleaning your brushes on a regular basis will help extend their lifespan, keep them bacteria-free, and ensure that your makeup looks its best.

If you’ve never cleaned your makeup brushes before, now is the time to start. Incorporate it into your beauty routine and make it a habit. Your skin will thank you!

FAQ about cleaning makeup brushes


How do I clean my makeup brushes at home?

The best way to clean makeup brushes at home is to use a brush cleaner made specifically for removing makeup. Spray the bristles with the solution and then use a towel to wipe them clean. Rinse the brushes under water and then let them air dry.

How often should I clean my makeup brushes?

How often you should clean your makeup brushes depends on how often you use them. If you use your brushes every day, we recommend cleaning them once a week. However, if you only use them occasionally, you can get away with cleaning them every other week or even once a month.

What happens if I don’t clean my makeup brushes?

If you don’t clean your makeup brushes, they can become a breeding ground for bacteria. This can cause breakouts and other skin problems. In addition, your makeup will go on less smoothly if you’re using dirty brushes.

What do you soak dirty makeup brushes in?

There are several things you can use to soak dirty makeup brushes, including vinegar, isopropyl alcohol, and shampoo. Mix equal parts of your chosen solution with water and then soak the bristles of your brushes for a few minutes. Rinse thoroughly and then let the brushes air dry.


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