How to get motivated to clean : Trick yourself into cleaning

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Cleaning is a necessary task for everyone, but it can be hard to make yourself do it. Cleaning may feel like an endless chore, and it’s easy to procrastinate or simply avoid it altogether. How to get motivated to clean ?

A Man Wearing a Pink Long Sleeves and Blue Apron Holding a Broom While Lying Down on a Couch

This article provides tips on how to get your motivation back and plan for cleaning success.

What’s holding you back?

Losing the desire to keep your home clean is common, but there’s usually a reason behind it. This plan is for those who feel hopeless and don’t know where to start. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when facing a messy house.

Being too lazy to do household chores is not the same thing as a lack of motivation. In this lazy scenario, some basic cleaning tasks can be achieved by inviting a friend over or keeping yourself occupied with a podcast or Netflix.

If you’re reading this, it’s safe to assume that you understand how exhausting it is to push through the day when motivation is nowhere to be found.

Even though you would like to keep your house clean, you can’t bring yourself to do it.


Why do we lose motivation ?

Why we lose motivation to clean is a complex question, and the answer depends on individual circumstances.

Some common causes for losing motivation to clean include feeling overwhelmed, lack of time, low energy levels and feeling like cleaning is pointless.

The first step is recognizing that you need a break from work or other obligations to focus on yourself. Once you’ve identified what’s causing the lack of motivation, try to find solutions that work best for you.

sad woman leaning on the wall

For instance, if time is a problem, seek out an effective domestic cleaner near you such as Wecasa cleaning solutions who offer personalized cleaning services.

You might also prefer to start cleaning only on weekends. Sunday is a great day to get to begin, and you can make a list of the most important tasks that need to be done. Sunday is an excellent day to plan for the week ahead.

5 Cleaning tips:  how to get motivated to clean

Here are our five best tips to get back on track.

1. Set realistic goals:

Cleaning your home doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. Break it down into smaller, more achievable tasks.

These tasks should be simple, and specific. For instance, “I will clean the kitchen today” instead of “I will clean my entire home today.”

2. Reward yourself:

Cleaning isn’t always fun, so it’s important to celebrate the progress you make and reward yourself for your hard work.

Reward yourself in a way that you find enjoyable and motivating. Maybe you buy yourself something nice or schedule a trip at the end of the month ? .

3. Ask for help:

Cleaning can be a daunting task, so don’t hesitate to ask friends and family for help.

You can also explore the possibility of hiring a domestic cleaner near me such as Wecasa Cleaning Services who will be able to help you with the cleaning, saving you time and energy.

4. Clean while multitasking:

A Person in a Pink Long Sleeves and Blue Apron Wearing a Pink Gloves Near a Table/ how to get motivated to clean

Take advantage of multitasking while cleaning. Cleaning while listening to music or watching a film can help make the task more enjoyable.

It’s also proven that cleaning and exercising together can help make a dull task more bearable.

5. Clean in short bursts:

Cleaning for an extended period of time can seem overwhelming and cause you to burn out quickly. Cleaning in short bursts of 15-30 minutes can help break the task up into smaller tasks, making it easier to manage. Getting motivated to clean your home can be a challenge, but with the right tips and tricks, you can make it easier.


Remember to

  • make realistic goals
  • reward yourself for your hard work
  • and don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed.

How to get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by mess ?

Man Wearing a Pink Long Sleeves and Blue Apron Holding a Broom While Lying Down on a Couch - how to get motivated to clean

Cleaning can be overwhelming when you have a lot of mess and clutter to clear. Make a checklist of the things you will need to do.

Reading: The Ultimate House Cleaning Checklist

The best advice we can give you is to not get sidetracked. Finish one task completely before moving onto the next.

For instance, you start by cleaning the bathroom. However, then you see clothes on the floor and decide to put them in the laundry basket in your room. By doing this, though, you are now stuck cleaning two rooms instead of just one. Therefore, avoid doing this!

By taking it step by step, you will be less likely to give up. Well done for picking a small task to start with! Now make sure you see it through.

How to get motivation to clean my room ?

Did you know that a messy room can say a lot about your mental health and how you feel? A cluttered space can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety, so it’s important to try and keep your room clean.

The best way to get motivated to clean is to start with the easiest tasks first.

You can start for example by :

  • Cleaning your bedsheets
  • Folding clothes
  • Doing a quick dust should be enough motivation for bigger jobs.

Once your room is cleaner, you will feel more relaxed and can focus on other tasks. Cleaning your space also helps clear your head, allowing you to think of better ways to organize it in the future. After cleaning your room, treat yourself with something special, like a film night or a take-away.

Cleaning doesn’t have to be boring! Happy cleaning!

Wecasa is your best solution when you’re not feeling like cleaning

However, if you’re having trouble getting motivated to clean, Wecasa can help.

Domestic cleaner cleaning bathroom

Wecasa is an online platform that allows users to quickly book a domestic cleaner near them without any hassle. This way, you’ll save time on cleaning and booking! Wecasa provide services all throughout the London area, with prices starting at just £15.90 per hour of cleaning.

Cleaning no longer needs to be a daunting task; the professional cleaners at Wecasa can help to make it a breeze. Cleaning shouldn’t be a chore; it should be fun and rewarding.

So, why not give Wecasa a try and free yourself from the hassle of cleaning? Our domestic cleaners are experienced and reliable, so you can trust them to get the job done!





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