How to keep spiders away from your home (8 natural solutions)

Temps de lecture : 7 minutes environ

Spiders are one of the most common household pests, and they’re also one of the most feared.

These eight-legged creepy crawlies can be found in every corner of the world and can be creepy and sometimes even dangerous. Most people hate the thought of having spiders in their homes. But how do you keep them away?

Small House Spider

Do you have to use harsh chemicals?

What’s the best way to keep spiders out of your house?

Don’t worry, we have the solution. We’ll share our top 10 best tips to keep spiders out, as well as eight natural solutions you can use that will send spiders packing.

Keep reading to learn the best way to keep spiders away from your home for good!


How to keep spiders away from the house?

Let’s face it – nobody likes the thought of spiders getting into their house. But with their long legs, they can easily squeeze through the tiniest of cracks and crevices. So what can you do to keep them out?

Spider Web in Home


Here are Our 10 Top Tips to Help Keep Spiders Out of Your Home:

  1. Check for gaps around doors and windows, and seal them up with a draught excluder or silicone sealant.
  2. Install door sweeps on all your exterior doors.
  3. Keep your garage door closed as much as possible.
  4. If you have any pet doors, make sure they fit snugly and that there are no gaps around them.
  5. Regularly check around the base of your walls, both inside and outside, for cracks or holes and seal them up.
  6. Make sure your gutters and downpipes are clear of leaves and other debris – spiders love to hide in these places.
  7. Keep your garden tidy and free of clutter, as this will reduce the places spiders can hide.
  8. If you have a fire, keep it covered when not in use. Spiders are attracted to the heat.
  9. Use a good quality insecticide around the perimeter of your home, as well as in any areas where spiders are likely to hide, such as under porches and in storage sheds.
  10. Keep an eye out for spiders and their webs, and remove them when you see them.

By following these simple tips, you can help keep spiders out of your home and reduce the risk of them getting inside.


Cleaning Products

8 natural solutions to keep spiders out


Want to know the trick to keep spiders away from your home using natural products that won’t hurt or kill them? Try one of these eight solutions.


1. Peppermint oil

Spiders hate the smell of peppermint, so try spraying a little around your home, particularly in areas where they tend to hide. You can also add a few drops to a cotton ball and place it in strategic locations, such as near windows and doors.

2. Vinegar

The acetic acid in vinegar is an irritant to spiders, so spraying it around your home can help to keep them away. It’s best to use a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar for maximum effectiveness.

3. Citrus peel

Spiders are repelled by the strong smell of citrus fruits, so try placing some citrus peel around your home. You can also make a Citrus Spider Repellent Spray by mixing the peels of one lemon and one orange with water in a spray bottle.

4. Cinnamon

Another spice that spiders hate is cinnamon. Sprinkle it around your home, particularly in areas where spiders tend to hide.

5. Coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are also effective at repelling spiders. Just scatter them around your home, or put them in a sachet and place them in strategic locations.

6. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is another citrus fruit that repels spiders. You can either spray it around your home or soak some cotton balls in it and place them in areas where spiders are likely to hide.

7. Pepper

Spiders don’t like the smell of pepper, so try sprinkling some around your home, particularly in areas where they tend to hide. You can also make a Spider Repellent Spray by mixing together water, pepper and vinegar in a spray bottle.

8. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil with many uses, one of which is as a natural spider repellent. Just add a few drops to a spray bottle of water and use it to mist around your home, particularly in areas where spiders tend to hide.


Pest Control

Best way to keep spiders away

If you do have a spider problem, the best way to keep them away is to contact a professional pest control company. They will be able to identify the type of spider you have and advise on the best course of treatment.

In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to keep spiders out:


  • Keep your house clean and tidy – spiders like to hide in clutter.
  • Remove food sources – spider infestations are often attracted by other insects in the home, so reduce the number of insects by keeping your house clean and free of food debris.
  • Reduce hiding places – get rid of any piles of clothes, books or newspapers. Spiders like to hide in these places.
  • Use a good quality insecticide – this will help to keep spiders away from your home.
  • Keep an eye out for webs and remove them when you see them.

If all else fails, remember that most spiders are not harmful to humans and pose no threat to your health.

FAQ about keeping spiders away


How do you keep spiders out of your house?

There are a few things you can do to keep spiders out: Keep your house clean and tidy, remove food sources, and reduce potential hiding spots for spiders.

What is the best way to keep spiders away with natural ingredients?

There are a few natural solutions that may work to keep spiders away. These include Peppermint oil, vinegar, citrus peel, cinnamon, coffee grounds, lemon juice, pepper, and tea tree oil. If you have a spider problem, the best way to keep them away is to contact a professional pest control company.


Are all spiders harmful?

No, most spiders in the UK are not harmful to humans. Most spiders pose no threat to your health. So, if you can’t keep them away, try to live with them! They are more scared of you than you are of them!


The best tip for preventing spiders from appearing in your home is to keep your home clean. We know that these kinds of chores can easily be overlooked or forgotten amongst the other activities, which is why Wecasa offers cleaning services, so you can relax while we get the job done!



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